Monday, June 14, 2010


Weekly update! Okay, I turned twenty-one and had fun celebrating.

Let's start with Sunday where I spent the whole afternoon getting burnt at the beautiful beach La Selva. I learned my lesson that I should use stronger than 4 SPF.

After a long day at the beach, we stopped at Marianne's ice cream in Santa Cruz where I had delicious black cherry fudge ice cream.

Morgan Hill is the neatest place. On Monday, I celebrated my birthday lunch at the cutest Thai restaurant. Isn't it neat that it's basically someone's home?

While this photo does no justice to its yummy-ness, I had the best Pad Thai on my birthday.

After lunch, Kate and I spent the afternoon shopping at outlets until my cute friend Bethany came to visit. We decided sushi was the perfect way to end my birthday. I can't really express how much I really, really like sushi, and the man drinking his water in the background of the above picture.

Again, this girl made my birthday. Both Bethany and Kate made California feel a little more like home considering I couldn't be with Logan and my family. Not to mention, all those who called and told me happy birthday (brothers, and friends, and parents) made it complete.

I am so blessed.


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday!! Looks like tons of fun and you have some fantastic friends=)

  2. Oh my! Sounds like you had a very fabulous 21st birthday. That ice cream looks so yummy. :)

