Sunday, December 18, 2011

baby cowl

I've been making those cowls I posted a few weeks ago. Used Phoeberkins as my model (surprise? no). Really, Jamie deserves most of the credit. She started making some, and it rubbed off on me, well, and all of us in apartment complex 305.

I'm thinking of selling them. Is that a good idea? Anyone interested? Probably should have thought about this more than eight days before Christmas. Or I could start a photography business taking cute photos of kids? I'm not a professional. I feel bad asking anyone to pay me. Same with crochet, my grandma is legit. I'm not.


  1. oh, this is so cute! I would definitely buy one for my little gal!

  2. Kendra, that's great to know. Maybe I'll put some up on my etsy :) Any specific color preference?
