Monday, January 21, 2013


I went to Wellington last week. Headed up on Thursday with Jamie for training to co-facilitate a grief group that the church will be offering. There's so much in my head. Challenged but encouraged. Nervous and empowered. Still sorting through personal reflection of the course.

What I was reminded:

1. I really like learning. I really miss it. I like research and theories complimented with group discussions. I like where it puts my mind, how it increases my focus, and pushes me to act in some way.

2. I really care about people. I really care about people's relationships with other people, the ability to process through the type of relationships they have, the type of life they're pursuing. I care a lot about those things.

I don't think I am unique in that. There's plethora of jobs, positions, and systems that focus on this. That's neat, too. A lot of people in the world caring about other people and their life experiences and relationships. I'm simply amazed how much that also matters to God, for us to be learning and loving. I'm glad that the more He draws me to himself that those are the kind of things that happen.

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