Monday, January 9, 2012

addison hope

I need to share this beautiful moment that happened while home for Christmas. This tiny bundle of light and blessing.

My childhood best friend, her husband and their daughter brought this little one into their family the Tuesday before Christmas. As I watched Breanna through this difficult pregnancy, she taught me physical and emotional surrender to God. With each unknown as she carried her, Breanna prayed and opened her hands.

Before you were born, Addison, you were given to God. You have been prayed for by your family and friends. We are so thankful you're here. We know that not all pregnancies end this hopeful. You remind us that life is a blessing. When I look at you, I realize all who enter the world are fragile and beautiful. Addison is not more special than any other baby born, no, she is exactly like every baby created in that she is special. I want to look at others the way that I see you. Full of hope and a testimony of God's grace.

You are a gift.

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