Saturday, February 18, 2012

for logan

I couldn't help myself. When I saw this, I laughed out loud. I say this to Logan all the time. If you pray, could you ask for endurance and peace for Logan this semester? This is his fullest coarse load. I tried to read a paragraph of his Schleiermacher text the other day. Friend, my head hurt. Not to mention, I have no idea what it said. In addition to school, he is continuing to work for our church in Princeton and wanting to help Clint with plans for the Well. Pray that God continues to prepare him as a pastor during this time of (busy) waiting.

Logan, I love you. I'm praying for you. I'll make you lots of good food and sweets to give your mind energy. We can make it to April, and if not April, reading week is in two weeks. Hello Seattle!

Your favorite wife (but seriously)

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