Tuesday, March 5, 2013

abel tasman

We made it. Our first overnight tramp, four days and three nights, 50+ kilometers. Not everyone likes walking, but it works for us. We mostly did it for those pretty views. Plus, it's nice to complete something that has a start and clear finish. Physically tiring (not too bad), but emotionally freeing. No space in our packs to bring along work or the list of things to do. So good to get away, to rest and refocus.

Yes, the entire walk looked like something out of a magazine. God did good with New Zealand.


  1. Beautiful. Ah, yes, God did good.

  2. Beautiful, indeed. But where's the fishing pole?!? What's the point of tramping there and back again to the water's edge if you haven't a rod to go fishing with? ;)

    1. aw, see this is why you should come visit. how could we forget the fishing pole? :)

  3. These views are delicious! You are truly adventurers. :D

    1. thanks girl. come adventure with me, pretty please?

  4. Absolutely breathtaking. Yes, God did good with New Zealand...and God did good with you! Love and Miss you Baby Girl!
