Friday, October 26, 2012

life & preview service

Busy and full week getting ready for our first preview service.

We've had those moments of worry, anxiety, fear. I'm okay with that, as long as we don't stay there. Trying to trust, reminding myself that whoever comes, whatever happens, it is enough. God does not look for performance, he looks at our hearts and acts of faith. Is there more to do? Maybe, probably. We will learn after Sunday and continue growing in who God wants this church to be and how to love others where they are.

Love others where they are.

I've experienced this at work this week. Spent time with a patient, metal detector strapped around his ankle, struggling with the things he cannot change and the things he can change. Trying to stop drinking for his son, to give him a better life. A long phone conversation with a patient who is burdened by her trauma, hurt by the church, struggling to know what she has caused and what has been done to her. "I've decided God is not loving, how can he be loving with what's going on right now?"

I am silent. Spirit, be here. God can handle their doubt. Wait, be patient. Everything does not have to be fixed in this moment. Walk with them.

I want them to experience hope and peace. I want them to be free.


  1. Beautiful. I've been learning lately that our fears can be tamed by recognizing that things aren't done in our strength and that God is there in that future thought whatever it might be. He will guide us so we have nothing to fear. He's like a dad walking confidently into those moments and taking his little child by the hand and asking her to just do as he says. keep listening, keep letting him lead. I love you guys. I'm praying for you.

    1. Thanks, Kayla. For your support, encouragement, relating. Comforting to not be the only one. Love and praying for you, too.
